Selected snippets in Google search results

selected snippets in results

What are the selected excerpts? Selected snippets in Google search results are the answers that the search engine answers directly in the search results. The selected excerpts are often visible when the keywords you have written are of such a nature that they can be answered by a summary and satisfy the search intention already in Google’s … Read more

What is CRO (Conversion Optimizer)?

what is cro conversion optimizer

CRO stands for Conversion Rate Optimization and means conversion optimization in Swedish. Conversion optimization means that you try to get a larger proportion of visitors to convert on the website, i.e., that more visitors meet a goal (e.g., a purchase). What is a conversion? A conversion is a fulfilled goal of your website. Examples of typical conversions include: The number of products sold. The … Read more

What are SEO and SEM?

What are SEO and SEM

SEO and SEM – what’s the difference? The difference between SEO and SEM, as well as how it is related, is as follows: ·        SEM stands for Search Engine Marketing.  SEM is thus about search engine marketing. Previously, SEM included several different tactics in search engine marketing, including SEO. Nowadays, the term is … Read more

What is link building?

what is link building

Link building is the process where you strive to get other websites to link to your website. Search engine optimizers also call this off-page SEO, i.e., that external factors outside of your site affect your SEO performance. Inbound links have a significant impact on how highly your site ranks on Google and other search engines. Link building is, therefore, something … Read more

What do organic keywords mean?

what do organic keywords mean

By organic keywords are meant the keywords that the website ranks for on search engines’ natural search results, also called the search engine’s organic listing. The ultimate goal of doing proper SEO is to improve the website’s organic ranking for as many relevant keywords as possible and thus drive more converting traffic. You should strive to appear on … Read more

What are keywords? (SEO)

Keywords are essential for a website’s SEO strategy. By keywords is meant the words that you want your web page to appear on search engines. To generate as much organic traffic to the website as possible, you should analyze which keywords (keywords) you should focus on. In short, this is about listing all the keywords that are … Read more

Keyword Analysis

Keyword Analysis

Keyword analysis, also called keyword analysis, is the process by which you analyze the potential of driving organic traffic through different keywords. Doing keyword analysis means, among other things, that you investigate: How many searches your primary keywords have on Google. What related terms and phrases your primary keyword has. What are the questions and … Read more

What is DevOps?

what is DevOps

DevOps is a time period for a meeting of thoughts that, at the same time as now no longer all new, have catalyzed right into a improvement and are quick spreading in the course of the specialised network. Like any new and mainstream time period, people can also additionally have befuddled and now after which … Read more