What is off-page SEO?

Off-page SEO, or off-page optimization, includes the external signals outside your site that affect your search engine visibility.

Thus, it is the opposite of on-page SEO, which includes all the signals on your domain that affect how well the page performs organically on search engines.

Off-page SEO is mainly about getting more quality inbound links through link building, which is sometimes used almost as a synonym for off-page SEO.

Despite this, there are also other signals we should not forget, such as social media, customer reviews, Youtube, and other external signals that can affect the website’s off-page optimization.

Link building is one of the essential activities in search engine optimization.

… Maybe even the most important thing.

It is because several surveys show a clear correlation between the number of links and web page rankings.

So this is something you should take into account if you want to be seen on Google.

You should still remember that a well-functioning off-page strategy will not give you much benefit if your on-page SEO is poorly optimized. You must therefore ensure that both areas are well optimized.

Read more about this in the post: What is SEO?

What affects the quality of a website’s off-page SEO?

Some factors that affect the quality of the links are:

  • Linking domain ( DA – Domain Authority / DR – Domain Rating ).
  • Several tools provide a domain value for domains based on various parameters. Examples of such digital tools are Ahrefs and Moz. Although no one knows how well these correspond to how Google values ​​domains, they give pretty good indications of how valuable domains consider the number of inbound links they have.
  • The referring site has many quality inbound links.
  • You want to get links from domains that already have many valuable quality links. It means that the site has authority, at least in Google’s eyes. When it comes to SEO, that’s what matters.
  • The anchor texts on the links should contain relevant keywords that you want to rank for
  • It is essential to create several indications to search engines that your page references precisely the keywords you want to appear. It creates just the relevancy search engines need.
  • Get links directly to your essential SEO landing pages.
  • If you have a strong focus on landing pages that rank for specific keywords, you should get relevant links with relevant anchor texts to refer to the specific landing page URLs. In this way, that particular page gets higher authority for relevant keywords.


What is link building?

What are keywords? (SEO)

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